Sustainability is our commitment to open governance and sourcing responsibly.
As part of our sustainability journey, we partner with customers and suppliers to address the urgency of climate change, the importance of social equity, and the opportunities for a circular economy along our value chain.
We have achieved several of our sustainability goals and we are committed to surpassing even more ambitious targets.
We demand our suppliers along with ourselves meet with our exacting requirements for Sustainability and Governance.
Supplier Code of Conduct
At Burnetts we are strictly committed to high standards of legal compliance and business ethics. Our Code of Conduct defines the boundaries within which all Burnetts employees shall comply with laws and internal policies.
Ensuring the principles of sustainable development in our supply chain is important to us. We want to partner with our suppliers to further develop their sustainability performance within our supply chain.
As such we expect our suppliers to fully comply with all applicable laws and to adhere to internationally recognized human rights as well as environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standards as laid down in international conventions.
We also expect our suppliers to implement these standards with their suppliers and subcontractors.
We particularly expect you as our supplier to support, embrace and enact the following ESG Standards, which are based on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization, Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
- You comply with all applicable environmental, occupational health and safety regulations and international conventions on environmental standards.
- You promote the safe and environmentally sound development, manufacturing, transport, use and disposal of your products.
- You ensure by using appropriate management systems that product quality and safety meet the applicable requirements.
- You protect your employees’ and neighbours’ life and health, as well as the general public against hazards inherent in your processes and products.
- You use resources efficiently, apply energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and reduce waste, as well as emissions to air, water and soil.
- You minimize your negative impact on biodiversity, climate change and water scarcity to protect the livelihood of people. ‒ You prohibit unlawful eviction and unlawful taking of land, forests and waters
- You ensure that you protect internationally proclaimed human rights in your operations and for your employees, and do not directly or indirectly use forced labour (including, but not limited to, modern slavery and human trafficking) and child labour of any kind, or inputs produced using such labour.
- You uphold the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with applicable laws.
- You treat your employees with respect, promote an inclusive work environment and prohibit discrimination, unequal treatment, harassment, abuse or inhumane treatment against anyone, for example on the grounds of an individual’s ethnic descent or national origin, race or colour, religion or ideology, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, age, physical or mental disability, political or union affiliation, citizenship, maternity, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. You support these aspects also in the selection of your suppliers and subcontractors.
- You enable your employees and other stakeholders to report concerns or potentially unlawful practices at the workplace.
- You comply with minimum wages and working hours in accordance with local laws.
- You ensure that all security forces for the protection of the enterprise's project comply with applicable laws.
- You ensure that you do not supply products that contain conflict minerals which directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups and cause human rights abuses as outlined in Annex II of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High Risk Countries (OECD DDG). We expect you to fulfil your due diligence on mineral supply chains according to the recommendations outlined in the OECD DDG
- You abide by all applicable national and international trade laws and regulations including but not limited to antitrust, trade controls, and sanction regimes.
- You consider business integrity as the basis of business relationships.
- You prohibit all types of bribery, corruption and money laundering.
- You forbid gifts to private persons or public officials that aim to influence business decisions or otherwise encourage them to act contrary to their obligations.
- You respect the privacy and confidential information of all your employees and business partners as well as protect data and intellectual property from misuse.
- You implement an appropriate Compliance Management System, which facilitates compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
- You establish training measures to allow your managers and employees to gain an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of the content of this Supplier Code of Conduct, the applicable laws and regulations.
You may acknowledge the principles stated above or demonstrate your commitment via compliance with your own code of conduct or company policies that embrace these standards.
Burnetts reserves the right to conduct audits or assessments to ensure your compliance and if required will look to implement an improvement roadmap in the first instance should we find any areas of concern. However, Burnetts reserves the right to discontinue any relationship for non-adherence to international principles, failure to correct violations, or displaying patterns of non-compliance with these standards.
At Burnetts we consider all our suppliers to be an invaluable element of our continued success and we count on your commitment to do what is right.
POL024 Issue 01